Olivier Mboma

There was this little boy whose dream was to paint,
whose passion was music and whose vocation was to become a pediatrician.

This is his journey…

Olivier Mboma, also known by his artist name artVIJERA, is a German-Congolese artist. Born in Kinshasa (Congo), his family emigrated to Germany in the 1990s, where he spent his childhood in Wuppertal. He completed his studies in Belgium and now lives in Germany again. Besides his full-time job as a paediatrician, he tries to find the time to paint.

He has been artistically active since childhood. In his youth, he was a member of an acting dance group that allowed him to develop his artistic curiosity through various intercultural encounters. The opportunity to travel to Accra, Ghana, made a big impression on him. Even today, he tries to visit as many exhibitions as possible and get to know other artists in order to mature not only artistically but also as a person through stimulating conversations with them.

His artworks address specific socio-political issues, with his cultural background as an important source of inspiration. The deliberate counterfactual representation of certain subjects helps to take the viewer on a journey where social filters are challenged by contemporary eroticism.